Create a Zero Trust policy
1 min read
You can create Zero Trust policies to manage access to specific applications on your network.
Go to Access > Applications > Add an application.
Select Private Network.
Name your application.
For Application type, select Destination IP.
For Value, enter the IP address for your application (for example,
).Configure your App Launcher visibility and logo.
Select Next. You will see two auto-generated Gateway Network policies: one that allows access to the destination IP and another that blocks access.
Modify the policies to include additional identity-based conditions. For example:
Policy 1
Selector Operator Value Logic Action Destination IP in
And Allow User email Matches regex .*
Policy 2
Selector Operator Value Action Destination IP in
Policies are evaluated in numerical order, so a user with an email ending in will be able to access
while all others will be blocked. For more information on building network policies, refer to our dedicated documentation.Select Add application.
Your application will appear on the Applications page.